Higher education institutions rely heavily on their alumni to donate in order to keep their costs low. This paper focuses on Colorado College’s most sporadic givers - young alumni, and analyzing what characteristics on and off campus these donators share. I use data from the Colorado College advancements database for information on young alumni from the years 2000-2015 to create an OLS regression that focus on attributes that describe alumni life on campus and post graduate. I find that overall what an alum was involved in while on campus positively associates with a higher likelihood that they will donate post grad. This correlation was prominently found between what an alum majored in. Furthermore in young alumni postgraduate life marital status and marital status to another Colorado College alumni illustrate a high relationship with giving, while average median income, and being a female negatively correlated. These conclusions provide insight into the importance of the experiences a student has on campus that helps create a strong bond to the school thus causing them to want to continue to be involved with the college and ultimately donate regardless of where and how much they make post grad.