

Global health organizations attempt to eradicate health issues in different ways. While some organizations focus on specific diseases, others work to strengthen healthcare structures and improve primary healthcare. This paper looks specifically at the Women and Health Taskforce (WHTF), a group of women and men working in women's and reproductive health around the world. The purpose of this thesis is twofold: to establish the ways in which the taskforce fits into the global health field and to provide concrete feedback for the WHTF in order to improve its functioning. Data was collected through an online survey and Skype interviews providing quantitative, qualitative and network data. The research shows that the WHTF can benefit from strengthening youth engagement to increase innovation and ensure long-term sustainability, as well as expanding their network to increase their impact. This paper also looks at the ways in which the taskforce relies on funding from the global North, and the implications of this reliance for South-South collaboration.




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