

This thesis looks into the character of Eros that Diotima presents in Socrates' speech by beginning to explore his nature, and connecting it to Diotima's female identity and the way that she embodies femininity within the text. I work through her speech, looking at both the specific language and the more general metaphors and myths using feminine language in her description. By connecting Eros to Diotima's femininity and female nature, I attempt to illustrate that her version of Eros is not only dependent on the language that she uses, but also how the language is dependent on her female identity. Socrates' character, and the fact that he does not change the format or perspective of Diotima in his account of her lesson, begins to show how the words she uses to describe Eros cannot be separated from her female identity, and how, therefore, Eros is tied to Diotima's femininity.




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