

Acinetobacter baylyi strain ADP1 is a gram-negative bacterium normally studied because of its high competence for genetic transformation and its ability to catabolize plant-derived aromatic compounds. A previous study has identified that the gene cluster ACIAD1969-ACIAD1952 contains genes that may be responsible for potassium tellurite resistance, as well as other proteins that are “hypothetical.” Our goal was to use bioinformatics to investigate this gene cluster and to determine whether it played a role in potassium tellurite resistance as well as twitching motility. Our results indicate that the gene cluster is actually composed of four different operons that play a role in tellurite resistance. We also found that the gene cluster was most likely inherited from horizontal gene transfer, as it is not found in any other Acinetobacter strains. Furthermore, all genes except ACIAD1956, ACIAD1962 and ACIAD1964 are responsible for potassium tellurite resistance in ADP1 and all mutants exhibit twitching motility defects. Our results indicate that the genes in the gene cluster ACIAD1969-ACIAD1952 encode proteins and should no longer be considered “hypothetical.”




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