

This paper discusses the cult worship of Dionysus in ancient Greece, specifically as it relates to music. It is natural to assume that music was prominent in Dionysian rituals, but this paper aims to delve into how and why exactly music was used. What were the major musical events of Dionysian worship? What instruments served what purposes? What genres and modes were employed? This paper also aims to discover more about musical portrayals of Dionysus regarding his perceived foreign origins, which the Greeks sometimes embraced and sometimes dismissed. Throughout this process, I have gathered sources both ancient and modern to gain a well-rounded understanding of Dionysian ritual music, as far as is possible. Valuable work has already been done in the fields of music, including some relating to Dionysian cult worship; my aim is to bring these past findings together, and thereby come to some new conclusions that will help further the study of this intersection of topics.




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