      recid = {3412},
      author = {Moody, John},
      title = {High Performance Persistent Graphs},
      pages = {6},
      year = {2016},
      abstract = {Persistent data structures allow large and complex data  structures to be copied and manipulated inexpensively. The  persistent way of representing data offers opportunities to  more elegantly and more efficiently implement certain  algorithms and programming patterns. Few persistent data  structure libraries, however, are designed with an emphasis  on speed and performance compared to their mutable cousins.  We describe and present a C library for a persistent graph  data structure, which uses array compression techniques and  balanced wide-fanout tries to create a structure that  enables persistence without sacrificing performance.  Compared to a competitive C++ mutable graph library, we  consistently achieve 30-40% slower random read performance  using up to 30% fewer bytes in memory, with the benefit of  highly space-efficient persistence.},
      url = {http://digitalcc.coloradocollege.edu/record/3412},