

This paper builds on the previous research done on basking in reflected glory (BIRGing) and cutting off reflected failure (CORFing). The aim was to be a stepping stone on the topic of BIRGing and CORFing and generalize a population of fans to see if there were tendencies of BIRGing and CORFing to be present. Using 14 seasons of data from the 2005-2006 season to the 2018-2019 season multiple ordinary least square regressions were used to analyze if BIRGing and CORFing were present in the NHL. This study hypothesizes that BIRGing and CORFing are present in the NHL and that fans are likely to CORF if a team is failing to have success in the given season. The study also looks at if Canadian and US teams have a different tendency to BIRG or CORF as well as an analysis on whether or not fighting has an effect on total attendance. This study found that fans in the NHL have a tendency to BIRG and CORF and both the US and Canadian fan base BIRG relatively equal. There is also evidence that Canadian teams have a more loyal fanbase and are less likely to CORF than teams in the US. Lastly, my evidence didn’t suggest a correlation between fighting and total attendance, possibly suggesting that fighting isn’t the key factor in fans attending games.




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