The method of displaying recombinant proteins on the surface of Saccharomyces cerevisiae via genetic fusion, a technology known as yeast surface display (YSD), has become a valuable protein-engineering tool for a broad spectrum of biotechnology and biomedical applications. For example, YSD can be used to display monoclonal immunoglobulin Gs (IgGs) for drug development. Other display systems, such as phage or mammalian display, can produce specific IgGs, but cannot match the high throughput advantages of YSD. Yeast display technologies facilitate expedited production and optimization of full-length human IgGs. YSD allows for facile production of relatively large quantities of purified protein that can then be screened for affinity, quality, polyspecificity, and interactions. This process is extremely valuable in the development of antibody-based drugs. The timely design, development, and trial of these drugs can result in thousands of lives saved. Adimab LLC, the antibody engineering biotechnology company where this study was carried out, uses YSD to develop antigen-specific leads for the antibody-based drug development pipeline. The current multi-day process for producing and harvesting purified IgG involves multiple feed days in which the yeast cells are provided with nutrient media. The goal of this study was to optimize the feed day conditions for an increased and higher quality protein yield. A control condition followed the standard protocol while an experimental condition, containing the same clone samples, underwent the altered protocol featuring fewer feed days. The samples that received one fewer feed day were left in shakers for a day known as “Starvation Day”, rather than receiving feed. Aliquots were taken from both conditions to compare optical densities of the cultures, concentrations of final protein yields were compared, and pH changes were monitored throughout. The optimization of this process, involving the removal of one of the feed days, resulted in higher cell densities in the samples, higher final protein yields, and protein products of higher quality. This resulted in a change in the standard process. Moving forward, the process can continue to be optimized by evaluating components of the medias, while taking into account changes in culture volume and pH. This optimization can provide larger protein yields for critical analytical assays and decrease the labor involved in the multi-day process.