

The characteristics of police culture have been primarily identified by scholars in monolithic and generalizable terms. The myopic lens through which this literature perceives police culture has not adequately allowed for unique officer cognitions and behaviors. My paper addresses this gap in police research by attending to the individual and contingent characteristics of discrete officers. A Bordieuan theory of capital will be employed as a framework in this paper for mapping how 12 police officers across the United States access their social and cultural capital as a resource for making sense of police work, Blue Lives Matter, and Thin Blue Line discourse. This paper argues that the process by which unique police officers either assimilate or reject the dominant occupational ethos is mediated by the positive cultural experiences and social networks they locate within their community. By closely examining police acculturation through a nuanced lens, the present research offers new prospects for police reform.



No data available.2024-022024-052024-082024-112025-0200.
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