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Alice Bemis Taylor Collection
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Alice Bemis Taylor Collection
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About Colorado College
Academic Departments
Alice Bemis Taylor Collection
Anthropology Department
Anthropology Department Newsle...
Anthropology Department Public...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Archives Project - History of ...
Archiving 2020: Protests, Pand...
Art Department
Art Department Student Theses
Art Department Student Theses ...
Art Department Student Theses ...
Art Department Student Theses ...
Art Department Videos
Asian Studies Department
Asian Studies Department Publi...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Study...
Biology Department
Biology Department Faculty Pub...
Biology Department Student The...
Biology Department Student The...
Biology Department Student The...
Biology Department Student The...
Biology Department Videos
CC Buildings
Student Activities - 1913 Carn...
Student Activities - Art Class...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Chess Gam...
Student Activities - Class Day
Classics Department
Classics Department Psychoanal...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Departmental History
Cobos Collection
Colorado College Alpine Journa...
Colorado College Alumni
Colorado College Archives
Colorado College Athletics His...
Colorado College Baccalaureate
Colorado College Campus Events
Colorado College Commencement
Colorado College Honors Convoc...
Colorado College LGBT Oral His...
Colorado College Libraries and...
Colorado College Libraries Pub...
Colorado College Oral History ...
Colorado College Yearbook - Th...
Colorado Springs Century Chest...
Colorado Springs LGBTQ+ Oral H...
Comparative Literature Program
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Course Catalogs
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Education Department
Education Department Class Pro...
Education Department Publicati...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Employee Handbooks
English Department
English Department Faculty Pub...
English Department Publication...
English Department Student The...
English Department Student The...
English Department Student The...
English Department Student The...
English Department Student The...
Environmental Studies Program
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Faculty and Staff
Faculty Handbooks
Faculty Meetings
Faculty Meetings 2009-2010
Faculty Meetings 2010-2011
Faculty Meetings 2011-2012
Faculty Meetings 2022-2023
Faculty Spotlight Videos
Father Jaramillo Tapes
Feminist and Gender Studies De...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
FG110 Introduction to Feminist...
FG200 Introduction to Feminist...
FG206 Critical Media Studies
Film and Media Studies Program
Film and Media Studies Program...
Film and Media Studies Program...
Film and Media Studies Program...
Film and Media Studies Program...
Film and Media Studies Program...
First Collection
French and Italian Department
French and Italian Department ...
French and Italian Department ...
Geology Department
Geology Department Faculty Pub...
Geology Department Publication...
Geology Department Publication...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
German Studies Program
German Studies Program Student...
Harry L. Standley Colorado Mou...
History Department
History Department Lectures an...
History Department Publication...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History of the College
Human Biology and Kinesiology ...
Human Biology and Kinesiology ...
Human Biology and Kinesiology ...
Independently Designed Majors
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Laura Gilpin Glass Slide Colle...
LGBT Oral Histories
Manly D. Ormes Slide Collectio...
Master of Arts in Teaching
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Missing 980 or 982
Molecular Biology Department
Molecular Biology Department F...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Music Department
Music Department Faculty and S...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Neuroscience Program
Neuroscience Program Student T...
Neuroscience Program Student T...
Neuroscience Program Student T...
Open Educational Resources
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Our Stories: Diversity and Inc...
Philosophy Department
Philosophy Department Philosop...
Philosophy Department Philosop...
Philosophy Department Philosop...
Philosophy Department Philosop...
Philosophy Department Publicat...
Philosophy Department Student ...
Philosophy Department Student ...
Philosophy Department Student ...
Physics Department
Physics Department Student The...
Pike's Peak Echo
Political Science Department
Political Science Department C...
Political Science Department F...
Political Science Department L...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department V...
Pre-2000s Academic Theses
Psychoanalysis Minor Student C...
Psychoanalysis Minor Student C...
Psychoanalysis Minor Student C...
Psychoanalysis Minor Student C...
Psychology Department
Psychology Department Faculty ...
Psychology Department Lectures...
Psychology Department Publicat...
Psychology Department Publicat...
Purple Paper
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Religion Department
Religion Department Lectures a...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Rocky Mountain Undergraduate R...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Sociology Department
Sociology Department Publicati...
Colorado College Sociology New...
Sociology Department Posters
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Sociology Department Student T...
Southwest Studies Program
Southwest Studies Program Publ...
Southwest Studies Program Publ...
Southwest Studies Program Publ...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Southwest Studies Program Stud...
Anthropological Slides
Chaco Canyon
Colorado College Expedition to...
Indian Art
Indian Types
Mesa Verde
Miscellaneous Southwestern Rui...
Missions of New Mexico
Modern Pueblos
Pueblo Dances
Pueblos - Hopi
Pueblos - San Ildefonso
Pueblos - San Juan
Pueblos - Santa Clara
Pueblos - Taos
Ruined Pueblos
Ruined Pueblos - Canyon de Che...
Ruined Pueblos - Frijoles
Ruined Pueblos - Misc. Canyons
Ruined Pueblos - Otowi (Pajari...
Ruined Pueblos - Petrified For...
Ruined Pueblos - Puye
Ruined Pueblos - Tsankawi
Ruined Pueblos - Tsirege
Southwestern Ruins, Villages, ...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Spanish and Portuguese Departm...
Special Collections
Special Collections - Colorado...
Special Collections - Colorado...
Special Collections - General ...
Special Collections Films
Staff Handbooks
State of the Rockies
State of the Rockies Faculty P...
State of the Rockies Theses
Student Publications
Anamnesis The Colorado College...
Student Voices
Students and Student Life
Summer Music Festival
Colorado College Newspaper - T...
The Catalyst 1969-2003
The Catalyst 2003-04
The Catalyst 2004-05
The Catalyst 2005-06
The Catalyst 2006-07
The Catalyst 2007-08
The Catalyst 2008-09
The Catalyst 2009-10
The Catalyst 2010-11
The Catalyst 2011-12
The Catalyst 2012-13
The Catalyst 2013-14
The Catalyst 2014-15
The Catalyst 2015-16
The Catalyst 2016-17
The Cipher
The Colorado College Investmen...
The Crown Center for Teaching
The Entrepreneur
The Leviathan
The Lotus
The Occident
The Orange Skies Project
The Press at Colorado College
The Press at Colorado College ...
Colorado College Newspaper - T...
Theater and Dance Department F...
Theatre and Dance Department
Theatre and Dance Department L...
Theatre and Dance Department S...
Theatre and Dance Department S...
Theatre and Dance Department S...
Theatre and Dance Department S...
Theatre and Dance Department S...
Tutt Library Staff Publication...
Van Briggle Collection
Van Diest Maps
Video Profiles of Alumni
Videos About CC
Videos About President Jill Ti...
Videos About the Block Plan
Videos About the College's Cor...
Videos of Student Views
Westesen Collection of Histori...
Westesen Photographs--Building...
Westesen Photographs--Campus S...
Westesen Photographs--Campus V...
Westesen Photographs--Candid S...
Westesen Photographs--Candid S...
Westesen Photographs--Colorado...
Westesen Photographs--Commence...
Westesen Photographs--Football
Westesen Photographs--Parades ...
Westesen Photographs--Posed Sh...
Westesen Photographs--Shove Me...
Westesen Photographs--Track an...
Women of Northwestern Colorado...
Select collection
add another collection
About Colorado College
Academic Departments
Alice Bemis Taylor Collection
Anthropology Department
Anthropology Department Newsle...
Anthropology Department Public...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Anthropology Department Studen...
Archives Project - History of ...
Archiving 2020: Protests, Pand...
Art Department
Art Department Student Theses
Art Department Student Theses ...
Art Department Student Theses ...
Art Department Student Theses ...
Art Department Videos
Asian Studies Department
Asian Studies Department Publi...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Stude...
Asian Studies Department Study...
Biology Department
Biology Department Faculty Pub...
Biology Department Student The...
Biology Department Student The...
Biology Department Student The...
Biology Department Student The...
Biology Department Videos
CC Buildings
Student Activities - 1913 Carn...
Student Activities - Art Class...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Campus Sc...
Student Activities - Chess Gam...
Student Activities - Class Day
Classics Department
Classics Department Psychoanal...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Department Student Th...
Classics Departmental History
Cobos Collection
Colorado College Alpine Journa...
Colorado College Alumni
Colorado College Archives
Colorado College Athletics His...
Colorado College Baccalaureate
Colorado College Campus Events
Colorado College Commencement
Colorado College Honors Convoc...
Colorado College LGBT Oral His...
Colorado College Libraries and...
Colorado College Libraries Pub...
Colorado College Oral History ...
Colorado College Yearbook - Th...
Colorado Springs Century Chest...
Colorado Springs LGBTQ+ Oral H...
Comparative Literature Program
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Comparative Literature Program...
Course Catalogs
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Economics and Business Departm...
Education Department
Education Department Class Pro...
Education Department Publicati...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Education Department Student T...
Employee Handbooks
English Department
English Department Faculty Pub...
English Department Publication...
English Department Student The...
English Department Student The...
English Department Student The...
English Department Student The...
English Department Student The...
Environmental Studies Program
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Environmental Studies Program ...
Faculty and Staff
Faculty Handbooks
Faculty Meetings
Faculty Meetings 2009-2010
Faculty Meetings 2010-2011
Faculty Meetings 2011-2012
Faculty Meetings 2022-2023
Faculty Spotlight Videos
Father Jaramillo Tapes
Feminist and Gender Studies De...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
Feminist and Gender Studies Pr...
FG110 Introduction to Feminist...
FG200 Introduction to Feminist...
FG206 Critical Media Studies
Film and Media Studies Program
Film and Media Studies Program...
Film and Media Studies Program...
Film and Media Studies Program...
Film and Media Studies Program...
Film and Media Studies Program...
First Collection
French and Italian Department
French and Italian Department ...
French and Italian Department ...
Geology Department
Geology Department Faculty Pub...
Geology Department Publication...
Geology Department Publication...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
Geology Department Student The...
German Studies Program
German Studies Program Student...
Harry L. Standley Colorado Mou...
History Department
History Department Lectures an...
History Department Publication...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Senior Essa...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History Department Student The...
History of the College
Human Biology and Kinesiology ...
Human Biology and Kinesiology ...
Human Biology and Kinesiology ...
Independently Designed Majors
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Independently Designed Majors ...
Laura Gilpin Glass Slide Colle...
LGBT Oral Histories
Manly D. Ormes Slide Collectio...
Master of Arts in Teaching
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Master of Arts in Teaching Res...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Mathematics and Computer Scien...
Missing 980 or 982
Molecular Biology Department
Molecular Biology Department F...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Molecular Biology Department S...
Music Department
Music Department Faculty and S...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Music Department Student These...
Neuroscience Program
Neuroscience Program Student T...
Neuroscience Program Student T...
Neuroscience Program Student T...
Open Educational Resources
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Organismal Biology and Ecology...
Our Stories: Diversity and Inc...
Philosophy Department
Philosophy Department Philosop...
Philosophy Department Philosop...
Philosophy Department Philosop...
Philosophy Department Philosop...
Philosophy Department Publicat...
Philosophy Department Student ...
Philosophy Department Student ...
Philosophy Department Student ...
Physics Department
Physics Department Student The...
Pike's Peak Echo
Political Science Department
Political Science Department C...
Political Science Department F...
Political Science Department L...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department S...
Political Science Department V...
Pre-2000s Academic Theses
Psychoanalysis Minor Student C...
Psychoanalysis Minor Student C...
Psychoanalysis Minor Student C...
Psychoanalysis Minor Student C...
Psychology Department
Psychology Department Faculty ...
Psychology Department Lectures...
Psychology Department Publicat...
Psychology Department Publicat...
Purple Paper
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration...
Religion Department
Religion Department Lectures a...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Religion Department Student Th...
Rocky Mountain Undergraduate R...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Russian and Eurasian Studies P...
Sociology Department
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Alice Bemis Taylor Collection (1)
Autographs (1)
Taylor, Alice Bemis, 1877-1942, Ms 0145 (1)
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Alice Bemis Taylor Collection (1)
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Taylor, Alice Bemis, 1877-1942, Ms 0145 (1)
Alice Bemis Taylor Collection
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Alice Bemis Taylor collection of autographs of the British poets
Taylor, Alice Bemis, 1877-1942, Ms 0145
Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805 1882) Allen, Grant (1848 1899) MS Allingham, William (1824 1889) Anstey, John (d 1819) Arnold, Edwin (1832 1904) Arnold, Mathew (1822 1888) Austin, Alfred (1835 1913) M8 Bailey, Philip James (1816 1902) Baillie, Joanna (1762 1851) Barham, Rev Richard Harris, pseud Thomas Ingoldsby (1788 1845) Barr, Mathias Barton, Bernard (1784 1849) Bayly, Thomas Haynes (1797 1839) Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy (1778 1827) Bently, Elizabeth Bloomfield, Robert Boothby, Sir Brooke (1743-1824) Boscawen, William (1752 1811) Bowles, Caroline (1786 1854) MS Bowles, Rev William Lisle (1762 1850) MS Bowring, John (1792 1872) Bradley, Edward, pseud Cuthbert Bede (1827 1889) Brooke, Francis (1724 1789) Brooks, Shirley Broome, William Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806 1861) Browning, Robert (1812 1889) MS Buchanan, Robert Williams (1841 1901) Byron, Lord George Gordon (1788 1824) Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717 1802) Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844) MS Capern, Edward(1819 1894) MS Carpenter, John Alden(1876 1951) Chalmers, George (1742 1825) MS Chambers, Robert (1802 1871) Churchill, Charles (1731 1764) DS Unidentified Portrait 01 Clare, John (1793 1864) Clarke, Charles Cowden (1787 1877) Close, J MS Clough, Arthur Hugh (1819 1861) Cole, George (1850 1939) MS Coleridge, Derwent (1800 1883) Coleridge, Hartley (1846? 1920) MS Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772 1834) MS Collins, William (1721 1759) MS Colman, George (1762 1836) (2) Cook, Eliza (1818 1889) MS Cooper, Thomas (1805 1892) Cowley, Abraham (1618 1667) Cowper, William (1731 1800) MS Crabbe, Rev George (1754 1832) MS Croker, Thomas Croften (1798 1854) Croley, George (1780 1860) Crowquill, Alfred Henry, real name A Forrester (1804 1872) (2) Cunningham, Allan (1784 1842) MS Cunningham, Peter (1816 1869) Dallas, Robert Charles (1754 1824) Darley, George (1795 1846) Dermody, Thomas (1775 1802) De Vere, Aubrey (1814 1902) (2) Dibdin, Charles (1745 1814) (2) Dibdin, Rev Thomas F (1776 1814) Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800 1880) MS Disraeli, Isaac (1776 1848) Dixie, Florence Dobell, Sydney Thomas (1824 1874) Pseud Sydney Yendys Drummond, Sir William (1585 1649) DS Dryden, John (1631 1700) DS Dyer, George (1755 1841) Elliot, George (1819 1880) Falconer, William (1732 1769) DS Fitzgerald, William Thomas (1759 1829) MS Forbes, Edward (1815 1854) Gilbert, Ann (1782 1866) MS Gilfillan, Robert (1798 1850) Gisborne, Thomas (1758 1846) Goulburn, Edward (1818 1897) Gould, S Baring Gray, Thomas (1716 1771) Auto Note Greenwell, Dora (1821 1882) Gurney, Hudson (1775 1864) Hall, Samuel Carter, MS Hallam, Henry (1777 1859) MS Hannay, James (1827 1873) Hastings, Flora Elizabeth (1806 1839) Hawkes, Annie S MS Hayley, William (1745 1820) MS (2) Heber, Reginald (1783 1826) (2) Hector, Annie Alexra (1825 1902) Hemans, Felicia (1793 1835) MS Hobhouse, John C (1786 1869) Hofl, Barbara (1770 1844) Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809 1894) Hope, Alex Beresford (1820 1887) Horn, Charles Edward (1786 1849) Unidentified 02 Letter Houghton, Lord MS Howard, Robert (1626 1698) DS Howitt, Mary (1799 1888) Howitt, Richard Howitt, William (1792 1879) Hume, David (1711 1776) Hurdis, James (1763 1801) Unidentified 03 Letter Ingelow, Jean (1820 1897) MS Irving, Washington (1783 1859) Jameson, Anna (1794 1860) Jerningham, Edward (1727 1812) Keble, John (1792 1866) Unidentified 04 Portrait Clara Keble? Keble, Clara Louise (1842 1916) DS Kemble, Charles (1775 1836) DS Kemble, John Philip Portrait Kenyon, John (1784 1856) Killigrew, Thomas (1612 1693) MS King, David (1806 1883) MS Kingsley, Charles (1819 1875) Unidentified 05 Poem Knight, Ellis Cornelia (1757 1837) Knight, Henry Gally (1786 1846) Knight, J Lamb, Charles (1775 1834) A Note S Lon, Letitia E (1802 1838) (2) MS Lor, Walter Portrait Le Gallienne, Richard (1866 1947) Lewis, Monk Linton, William James (1812 1897) Unidentified Letter 06 Longfellow, Henry William (1807 1882) MS Lover, Samuel (1797 1868) Lytton, Lord (1801 1873) (2) Volume II Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800 1859) Macdonald, George (1824 1905) Mackay, Charles (1814 1889) (2) Martin, Theodore (1816 1909) Martineau, Harriet (1802 1876) Marvell, rew (1621 1678) Maxwell, Mary (1827 1915) S) Mayne, John (1759 1936) Mitford, Mary (1787 1855) MS Moir, David Macbeth (1798 1851) MS (4) Montgomery, James (1771 1854) MS Montgomery, Robert (1807 1855) (2) Montgomery, Rev Robert (1807 1855) 2 MSS Montrose, J, Marquis DS MS Moore, Thomas, (1779 1852) More, Hannah (1745 1833) Morley, Henry (1822 1894) Morris, Lewis Morris, William (1834 1896) Moultrie, Gerald (1829 1885) MS Moxon, Edward (1801 1858) Muller, M Mulock, Dinah (1826 1887) Neele, Henry, (1798 1828) MS Newman, John H (1801 1890) Noel, Roden, (1834 1894) Northcott, Jr MS Norton, rews (1786-1853) Norton, Caroline E (1808 1877) (4) O' Keefe, John (1747 1833) Ollier, Edmund (1827 1886) Opie, Amelia (1769 1853) (5) Palgrave, Francis Turner (1824 1897) Pardoe, Julia (1806 1862) Park, Thomas (1759 1834) Payne, James (1830 1898) Plymptre, James (1770 1832) Polyhole, R (1760 1838) Porter, Anna M (1790 1832) Pratt, Samuel Jackson (1749 l814) MS Pringle, Thomas (1789 1834) Procter, Adelaide (1825 1864) MS Procter, Bryan Walter (1787 1874) Quillinan, Edward (1791 1851) ¬ Raffles, Thomas (1788 1863) ¬ Richardson, William (1743 1814) Rimbault, Edward F Ritson, Joseph (1752 1803) Rogers, Samuel (1763 1855) MS Roscoe, William (1753 1831) Rossetti, Christina G (1830 1894) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828 1892) Rossetti, William Michael (1829 1919) Ruskin, John (1819 1900) Russell, William (1741 1793) Ryl, John (1753 1825) Sackville, Thomas, (1536 1608) DS Sargent, J Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832) Scott, William Bell, (1811 1890) Sedley, Charles (1639 1701) DS Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckingham (1648 1721) DS Shenstone, William (1714 1763) Sidney, Sir Philip (1554 1586) DS Sillery, Charles Doyne (1807 1837) Smith, Charlotee (1749 1806) MS Southey, Robert (l774 1843) (2) MS Spencer, William (1769 1834) Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (1815 1881) Stowe, HB (1811 1896) S Strickl, Agnes (1796 1874) Surtees, Robert (1779 I834) Swain, Charles (1801 1874) (2) MS Symmons, Charles (1749 1826) Talfourd, TM (1795 1854) Taylor, Henry (1800 1886) Taylor, John (1711 1788) Temple, Sir William (1628 1699) Tennyson, Lord Alfred (1809 1892) Tennyson, Hallam, (I852 1928) Thomson, James (1700 1748) Townsend, George (1788 1857) Townsend, Chauncey Hare (1798 1868) Tupper, Martin E (1810 1889) MS Turner, S William Twiss, Horace, (1787 1849) Tyler, Patrick Fraser Warburton, Peter Egerton Warburton, William (1698 1779) Watts, Alaric A (1797 1864) Watts, Isaac (1674 1748) Waugh, Edwin (1817 1890) White, Henry Kirke (1785 1806) MS Whitehead, William (1715 1785) Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807 1892) Wiffen, Jeremiah Holmes (1792-1836) Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900) Signed Portrait Wilkes, John (1727 1797) DS Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick (1802 1865) Wolcott, John (1738 1819) MS¬ Wrangham, Francis (1769 1842) Yearsley, Ann (1756 1806)
Letters, literary manuscripts, portraits, and other papers of British and a few American writers. Digitized version of two volume collection at Colorado College Special C [...]
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Alice Bemis Taylor Collection
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