

This interdisciplinary project draws on feminist demography and geopolitics, testimonio, and autobiographical poetry writing as a method of discerning how the legacy of colonization has supported the continued devaluation of particular bodies and their stories. By looking at the conjunction of the coloniality of power and the intimate details of an individual’s lived reality, my research has produced not only a historical record that documents my own family’s history, but it has also unveiled the role systems of power play in shaping the social and cultural consciousness of entire communities. The application of feminist demography and poetry writing bridges two distinct ways of knowing: providing an analytical and demographical approach to retelling history alongside the corporeal and metaphysical experience of the world captured in creative literature. The product is an autoethnographic collection of poetry, inspired by and incorporating the voices of my family and their lived or inherited stories, which serves to depict a landscape riddled with accounts of exclusion and survival that continue to be pervasive today.




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