

The Bowed Piano Ensemble (BPE) was a contemporary music group founded at Colorado College by Professor Emeritus Stephen Scott (1944-2021). The BPE consisted of ten musicians simultaneously playing a modified grand piano – but not playing on the keys. Rather, musicians plucked, strummed, and bowed the strings to bring Scott’s original compositions to life. In the years since the retirement and passing of Scott, however, much information about bowed piano music and the BPE itself has been lost or is at risk of being forgotten. My research makes crucial strides towards the recovery, documentation, and preservation of this information. Central to my research are interviews with former BPE alumni I conducted over a period of three months, along with the retrieval and study of Scott’s personal files, which are largely unarchived. Altogether, my research makes bowed piano music and the history of the Ensemble broadly accessible; documenting the personal stories and memories shared during interviews, along with archiving Scott’s personal documents, allows future musicians and researchers to further explore the Ensemble’s legacy.




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